UK grown
Hedges & Trees

Founded in 1930, Wyevale Hedges brings decades of expertise in cultivating the best quality bare root hedges & trees

We abide by strict regulatory standards to be Plant Healthy certified against  pests and diseases 

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Top Hedge Plants

Californian privet is a popular fast growing choice that makes excellent dense screening

From £0.85 

Box leaved honeysuckle is well known for its ability to be shaped and crafted

From £1.35

Common beech is an excellent tall growing hedge that retains its leaves over winter

From £0.53

Wild cherry produces beautiful white flowers in the spring and food for wildlife

From £0.90

Container Hedging

"Alongside our native bare root hedges, we offer container hedges, available to purchase year-round and featuring a range of species"

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A stunning alternative to Boxwood. Sharing the same growth habit and profile but is hardy to pests and diseases 

euonymus japonicus

Evergreen Spindle
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A popular and standout evergreen with rouge new growth that turns a deep shade of green with time

Photinia × fraseri

Christmas Berry
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A broader and glossier leaved variety of the popular Griselinia, with a strong tolerance to coastal conditions


New Zealand Privet


We are so lucky to have such an amazing community, here are some comments from verified customers

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Quality Wholesale Hedge Plants Conditioned in the UK

At Wyevale Hedges, we take pride in producing high-quality hedges, cultivated right here in the UK.

Our selection includes carefully nurtured evergreen and deciduous hedging plants that will enhance and elevate your outdoor space. Designed to meet diverse landscaping needs, these plants offer year-round beauty, ensuring your garden remains vibrant in every season.

Whether you want to add a touch of privacy, attract wildlife, or introduce a colourful flowery shrub to your garden, we can help. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us and speak to one of our expert team.

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Shop hedging

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