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Here are some blogs that our users find most useful

How to care for Cherry Laurel
Cherry laurel is a hardy stunning plant, here are a few points to watch out for to keep your plants healthy and thriving.

When to Plant Bare Root Hedging
Planting in winter, despite being less common than spring or fall planting, offers several significant advantages

Guidelines for Planting Distances
Here, we present some general guidelines to help you determine the optimal planting distances for your hedges
Blog Spot
Here, we delve into the heart of topics that matter, exploring insights and ideas with expert perspectives, giving practical advice.

Leylandii – The Fastest Growing Conifer
When to plant Leylandii conifers, how to prune and spot common pests and diseases.

Hazel Trees a wildlife champion
Hazel trees support over 250 insect species, small mammals and birds.

Common Beech the Queen of British Trees
An introduction to the characteristics and uses of Beech

The Resilience of Hornbeam
Hornbeam is emerging as a more resilient successor to Beech trees, here's why.

Which plants work as bare root?
A cost effective and low labour alternative to potted plants. Here are some species that can be planted as bareroot.

Growing Privet Hedges
Privet hedges can be planted in either spring or fall, but it is important to avoid extreme temperatures